Joann Terranova and Trinka Hamel

Audio file

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Formation Leaders, The Sheepfold: The Pacific Northwest Consortium for CGS Sustainability

As an administrator, I’ve long been fascinated by meeting organization and facilitation.  Nothing drives me nuts like a poorly run meeting that drags on but then ends without any new clarity or action steps.  My temptation in those moments is to take charge and keep things moving at a good clip.  But in doing so, I can often step on others’ toes or not allow all voices to be heard. In short, I can misuse power.

A couple years ago, two of my colleagues in the Catechesis world introduced me to a different model of convening and facilitating called Sociocracy.  Joann Terranova and Trinka Hamel are both long time parish leaders and conveners of community.  Their regional catechetical organization in northwest Washington state functions in more organized and efficient manner than other similar organization that I know of, yet it is also the most inclusive and joyful.  Everyone feels like they have a voice and can make a difference.

I asked Joann and Trinka if I might interview them specifically on what they’d learned about “the power of convening” which is a focus of Chapter 4 in Redeeming Power.