A Litany for the 2024 Election Season


I’ll be praying this each day for the month before the election and invite you to join me, or adapt this for your own prayer.  For the back story on this litany or for information on any of the holy men and women referenced, please check out my newsletter from 10-4-24.


In these days before our national election, we unite in prayer with the whole communion of saints for an election that is both peaceful and prudential. [Take a moment of silence to allow your heart to absorb the intention.]


In communion with Pope Leo XIII, we pray that our choices this election will serve the health and wellbeing of all workers and movement toward an ever more just economy.  Gracious God, hear our prayer.

Through the intercession of St. Francesca Saverio Cabrini, we pray that we might always be mindful of the struggles of immigrants and that our choices this election will lead to an ever more just and sustainable response to immigrants’ needs.  Gracious God, hear our prayer.

In unity with St. Gianna Beretta Molla we pray that we might always be mindful of women facing difficult pregnancies and the unborn children they carry.  We pray our choices this election will witness to the dignity of both.  Gracious God, hear our prayer.

In communion with Venerable Samuel Mazzuchelli we pray for a growing awareness of all conditions that deny human flourishing and that our choices this election will lead to a more equitable society.  Gracious God, hear our prayer.

Through the intercession of St. John Paul II we pray for a growing awareness of the gift of creation and that our choices this election will lead to an ever more effective response to the climate crisis.  Gracious God, hear our prayer.

In unity with St. Francis of Assisi we pray for a growing awareness of how our vote affects not only citizens of the U.S. but persons around the world who are also longing for a more sustainable and just world.  Gracious God, hear our prayer.

[Here you might name other policy concerns of significance to you and saints that you would want to intercede on behalf of this concern.]


In unity with St. Thomas More we pray for wisdom in choosing candidates who will value the rule of law and seek to live in accord with principles of good governance. Gracious God, hear our prayer.

In communion with St. Thomas Aquinas we pray for wisdom in choosing candidates who are committed to seeking truth and speaking truthfully.  Gracious God, hear our prayer.

Through the intercession St. Mary McKillop we pray for wisdom in choosing candidates who are good and upright in their relations with others.  Gracious God, hear our prayer.

[Here you might name other leadership qualities / character virtues that would be important to you in a leader and saints that you would want to intercede on behalf of this trait.]


In unity with St. Kateri Tekakwitha we acknowledge how difficult it is for us to live in this tense season of history and ask for help.  Gracious God, hear our prayer.

In communion with St. Ignatius of Loyola we pray for the gift of discernment to make the best choices possible for the common good.  Gracious God, hear our prayer.

Through the intercession of St. Hildegard of Bingen we seek to respond to every up and down with creativity and unshakable inner peace.  Gracious God, hear our prayer.

[Here you might name specific things you would like help with in your actions this month and saints that you would want to intercede on your behalf.]


Gracious God, in communion with all our sisters and brothers in faith, we come before you in hope, knowing that you hear our every prayer and hold us close to your loving heart. Amen.
